143إجمالي المتعلمين المسجلين
Englishلغة الصوت
تصنيفات الفئة
{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
لوحة المناقشة هذه متاحة للمتعلمين المسجلين فقط.
Mastering The Healing Mind
This presentation on clinical findings of psychosomatic illness and healing will shed light on mental health, PTSD, and trauma. From the foods we eat and the types of exercises, we do, learn the most effective ways to reshape your attitude and heal your body and mind. Woven together with stories, testimonials, and common misconceptions as well as the most helpful evidence-based healing therapies.
Attendees will come away with a vast knowledge of techniques for personal and clinical use.
Attendees will come away with a vast knowledge of techniques for personal and clinical use.
تفاصيل البرنامج
{{ session.minutes }} جلسة دقيقة
لا تسجيل
جلسة مسجلة
فئة حية
التبرع على أساس
Integrative Wellness Strategies
التبرع المقترح
حول James Keegan
James Keegan
Jim Keegan is an International presenter, clinical practitioner in the field of biomechanics, physical rehab and sport performance, yoga and meditation teacher. Jim's clinical background stretches over a 28 year span helping individuals, teams, organizations...
المتعلمين (143)
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تم نسخ الرابط
تم نسخ ارتباط لهذه الصفحة إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك!